Tereza`s Spa in Dubí

Lázeňská 21, 417 01 Dubí, Czech Republic
GPS: 50°41'9.4"N, 13°47'1.539"E

IČ: 28687264
DIČ: CZ28687264

The company is registered at the Regional Court in Usti nad Labem, Section B, Insert, 2012.

The account number for payment in CZK (CSOB): 225981858 / 0300
IBAN: CZ 81 0300 0000 0002 2598 1858; BIC: CEKOCZPP

The account number for payment in EUR (CSOB)236443959 / 0300
IBAN: CZ 61 0300 0000 0002 3644 3959; BIC: CEKOCZPP

Reception desk

Email: recepce@laznedubi.cz
Mobil: +420 725 499 115
Tel.: +420 474 530 400

Entry and bookings

Email: prijimacikancelar@laznedubi.cz 
Tel.: +420 474 530 447

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We will be happy to answer your questions.